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Amerikanistik Uni Augsburg
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60s Songs
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60s Life

Assignments for Augsburg Students

Coaching Sessions No. 2

Please, be prepared and ready to present:

You will get out more of our coaching meeting if you manage to send me some of the samples mentioned above beforehand: udolegner@gmx.de
"Failure is no success at all" (Bob Dylan)

October 16
14.30 Ines
14:50 Sebastian
15.10 Laura
15:30 Michael
15:45 Johannes
16:00 Tobias

October 23
14.00 Augustino
14.20 Tobias
14.40 Lisa
15.00 Christina
15.15 Christoph
15.30 Evelyn

In case these dates do not suit you, please let me know as soon as possible so we can try to modify them.
I believe in you!

Mr Legner

Term Paper Coaching No. 1

Please, be prepared and ready to present:

Be sure to make good use to discuss your ideas and some problems you might have faced so far!
"Failure is no success at all" (Bob Dylan)

September 25
14.30 Ines
15.00 Sebastian
15.30 Laura

October 10
13.00 Lisa
13.15 Stefan
13.30 Augustino
14.30 Tobias
14.45 Michael
15.00 Christina
15.15 Christoph
15.30 Evelyn

Homework assignment 6


With the first term soon coming to its end it is about time for a first retrospective. Please send me an e-mail (in traditional old-fashioned retro letter style) and let me know

Absolute deadline: Saturday, 4 February Midnight

Play It Again, Sam - your second multiple choice (nuclear) test

In this test we will make good use of the material on our rewarding Sixties Website: Be sure to study the following texts and topics thoroughly. Try to do even better than in the first test. Prove that you have deserved this second chance! It is all up to you and I still believe in YOU!

Date with Destiny: 26 January 2012

The Sixties

A) Wikipedia article on the Sixties

Introduction - 1.4. Nuclear Threat - 5. Social & Political Movements - 5.1. Counterculture/Social Revolution 5.2. Anti-War Movement - 5.3 Rise of Feminism - 7 Popular Culture

B) Introduction "The Tumultuous Sixties"

C) Introduction "The Vietnam War"

Homework assignment 5

A Day in the Sixties

Write a fictitious and funny diary entry and be sure to refer to these aspects:

school - fashion, i. e. the clothes you, your classmates and your teachers wear - hair style - music - food - date - movie - politics on tv - discussion with parents

Deadline: Midnight, 18 January

Homework assignment 4

As you can see by the link there have always been clever businessmen who have managed to make money with the cult and the myth of the Sixties. Comment on this commercialisation and sell out of the Sixties.
To make it more personal: Will you order such a T-Shirt (maybe as a Christmas present) for yourself, for your classmates or your teacher?

Deadline: 31 December 2011, midnight

Homework assignment 3

American Popular Culture in the Sixties
Follow the link


How familiar are you with the ABC of the Fifties? Check it out:


Homework assignment 2

Compare and contrast at least 3 different songs of our song list.

Students contributions: Songs in the Sixties


Homework assignment 1

"Kids are different today ..." (Rolling Stones)

Interview your grandparents, teachers, acquaintances and find out what The Sixties meant to them. Focus on 4 of the following aspects:

Students contributions: Live in the Sixties

W-Seminar project of Deutschhaus Gymnasium, Würzburg & Maria-Theresia-Gymnasium, Augsburg
Complaints, questions, comments? Contact richard@richardhwinter.de