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The Vietnam War

From Clarissa Muhler

In General: The Vietnam war is a war in Vietnam from 1946 to 1975 concerning the independence, the unity and the military supremacy in the country. The war took place in several periods: the first one, the French period (1946-1954), is also called Indochina war. The war began as a fight of Vietnam versus the French colonial rule, in the second period it took over to Laos and Cambodia and developed to one of the most important wars of the east-west conflict with international participation. It was discussed sharply and controversially and caused international anti-imperialist protests.

First Period/ Indo-China war

Second period: American Period

Kennedy / Johnson


Civil war (1973 to 1975)

Effects of the Vietnam War

Reactions in the population:

Today: The Vietnam war is still a trauma for America and the American population.
The Vietnam Veterans are still treated a special way.

Music and movies about Vietnam war:

W-Seminar project of Deutschhaus Gymnasium, Würzburg & Maria-Theresia-Gymnasium, Augsburg
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