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60s Life


How familiar are you with the ABC of the Fifties?
Mark the wrong answers. Sum up the wrong answers (A = 1; B = 2, C = 3 … Z = 26)
Send the solution (= correct sum of the wrong answers) via Mail / Upload (don't forget to select Sixties Würzburg) ...and who knows – maybe you will win the best prize ever! Hurry up and good luck!

I. The cold war refers to the
A clash of ideologies: communism vs. capitalism
B the war between environmentalists and reckless oil companies in the Antarctic
C years after WW II and resulted in military conflicts between the Soviets and the USA

II. Military conflicts in the Fifties
D Eastern countries opposed the policies of the Soviet Union
E Communists organised strikes and riots to bring down democratic governments
F In Saigon Russian weapons were used to fight North Vietnamese troops
G The war in Korea can be seen as prelude to the war in Vietnam

III. Signals of Hope to put an end to the cold war
H In 1956 Russian leader Nikita Sergejewitsch Chruschtschow denounced Stalin
I POWs were allowed to return home in the mid fifties
J Fidel Castro took power in Cuba
K In Hungary gulasch parties were organized to celebrate the end of the gulags, i. e. Soviet forced labour camps

IV. Mottos, slogans and sayings of the Fifties
L Sameness was the code of the decade
M What is good for General Motors is good for the country
N At the end of the Fifties Americans would wonder where the next domino would fall
O The rebellious generation of the Fifties protested the recruiting of troops for the war in Korea

V. Economy and Mobility in the Fifties
P America faced a period of economic crisis after the end of the Korea War
Q Jets used to be the model for American cars
R American cars were getting bigger and wider and more powerful
S Cars became more and more fuel efficient

VI. Family life and fashion in the Fifties
T Marriage age dropped to 30
U Most young women did not want a career they wanted husbands
V Fashion and cosmetics became a big issue in the Fifties
W It was a sin to be different in the Fifties

VII. Life Style in the Fifties
X Cinema attendance boomed in this decade as it had never before
Y Fast food and shopping centers have their roots in the Fifties
Z Women did not participate in any sports that were considered risky or dangerous

W-Seminar project of Deutschhaus Gymnasium, Würzburg & Maria-Theresia-Gymnasium, Augsburg
Complaints, questions, comments? Contact richard@richardhwinter.de